Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Winner’s #129: Get Well Wishes

Hello Sentimental Sundays Followers!

Thanks to everyone who joined in our “Get Well”  challenge last week. We really enjoyed all of your wonderful projects! Don’t forget you still have time to join in our current challenge themeEasel Card  plus a sentiment!

We are so thankful for all of our Sentimental Sundays Followers, and we want to  wish you and yours a safe and blessed Thanksgiving Holiday!

This weeks sponsors was:

Whoopsi Daisy

digi shop sign

Donating: 2 sheets of choice of digis, winners choice

And our random winner is:

11. Janice

Congratulations !!!!!!

You have one week to claim your prize.

Please email us at sentimentalsundaysblog@gmail.com to get details about your prize.

And here's our Top Three chosen by the DT members:

1. Christine

2. Sarah Stone

8. Janine B


Please feel free to grab the blinkie on the sidebar (the code you need is below it) and display it proudly on your blogs! You earned it :)

Congratulations to all our winners!

Sunday, November 25, 2012

Challenge #130: Easel Card

Welcome to another Sentimental Sunday!

Thanks so much to everyone who played along in last week's challenge.
Hope you all had a fantastic Thanksgiving with your family and friends.
For those that went shopping on Black Friday, hope you stayed safe, warm and got the deals you were after.   Be sure to stop back on Tuesday and see who our random winner is and who has been chosen to be in our Top 3!

This week's Sponsors are:
FSS Logo
Fred She Said Blog
Fred She Said Store
Donating:  $15 Gift Voucher to Fred She Said


banner ccc2
Milk Coffee Blog
Milk Coffee Etsy Store
Donating: 3 images from Milk Coffee, winners choice

This week's challenge theme is:
Easel Cards
(plus a sentiment)

As usual, our crackerjack design team has been busily creating some projects that we hope will inspire you to join in our challenge this week:
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When uploading to SCS, PCP, SNR, or other galleries, please use the keyword "sentimentalsundays" Thank you!

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Winner’s #128: Thanks/Thanksgiving

Hello Sentimental Sundays Followers!

Thanks to everyone who joined in our “Thanks/Thanksgiving”  challenge last week. We really enjoyed all of your wonderful projects! Don’t forget you still have time to join in our current challenge theme“Get Well  plus a sentiment!

We are so thankful for all of our Sentimental Sundays Followers, and we want to  wish you and yours a safe and blessed Thanksgiving Holiday! 

This weeks sponsors was:

Bugaboo Stamps

Donating: 7 digital images, winners choice

And our random Bugaboo Stamps winner is:

79. Debbie

And this week we also have a surprise prize.

Our random surprise winner is:

28. Gerry Morse

Congratulations !!!!!!

You have one week to claim your prize.

Please email us at sentimentalsundaysblog@gmail.com to get details about your prize.

And here's our Top Three chosen by the DT members:

54. Karen G

60. Lorraine A

76. Gro Tjeltveit


Please feel free to grab the blinkie on the sidebar (the code you need is below it) and display it proudly on your blogs! You earned it :)

Congratulations to all our winners!

Sunday, November 18, 2012

Challenge #129: Get Well Wishes

Welcome to another Sentimental Sunday!

Thanks so much to everyone who played along in last week's challenge.
Thanks so much to everyone who played along in last week's challenge. We really appreciate all of our followers and everyone that plays week after week. Sentimental Sundays could not continue if it wasn't for all love we get from you. So again, THANK YOU from all of us here at Sentimental Sundays.
Be sure to stop back on Tuesday and see who our random winner is and who has been chosen to be in our Top 3!

This week's Sponsor is:
Whoopsi Daisy
digi shop sign
Donating: 2 sheets of choice of digis, winners choice

This week's challenge is:
Get Well Wishes
(plus a sentiment)

As usual, our crackerjack design team has been busily creating some projects that we hope will inspire you to join in our challenge this week:
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When uploading to SCS, PCP, SNR, or other galleries, please use the keyword "sentimentalsundays" Thank you!

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Winner’s #127: Dimensions

Hello Sentimental Sundays Followers!

Thanks to everyone who joined in our “Dimensions”  challenge last week. We really enjoyed all of your creative projects! Don’t forget you still have time to join in our current challenge theme Thanks/Thanksgiving  plus a sentiment!

This weeks sponsors was:

Doodle Pantry

Donating: 3 digital images, winner's choice

And our random winner is:

43. Piali

Congratulations !!!!!!

You have one week to claim your prize.

Please email us at sentimentalsundaysblog@gmail.com to get details about your prize.

And here's our Top Three chosen by the DT members:

1. Sally J

37. lyn T

61. Yolanda R.


Please feel free to grab the blinkie on the sidebar (the code you need is below it) and display it proudly on your blogs! You earned it :)

Congratulations to all our winners!

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Challenge #128: Thanks/Thanksgiving

Welcome to another Sentimental Sunday!

Thanks so much to everyone who played along in last week's challenge.
We really enjoyed seeing all your dimensional entries! Be sure to stop back on Tuesday and see who our random winner is and who has been chosen to be in our Top 3!

This week's Sponsor is:
Bugaboo Stamps

Donating: 7 digital images, winners choice

This week's challenge is:
Thanks or Thanksgiving
(plus a sentiment)

Lets take a look at the amazing creations, the design team have created this week:
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When uploading to SCS, PCP, SNR, or other galleries, please use the keyword "sentimentalsundays" Thank you!