Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Winner’s #116–Banners/Pennants

Hello Sentimental Sundays Followers!
Thanks to everyone who joined in our “Banners/Pennants”  challenge last week. We really enjoyed all of your creative projects! Don’t forget you still have time to join in our current challenge themeSewing or Faux Stitching  plus a sentiment!
This weeks sponsor was:
Donating: $10 Gift Certificate
And our random winner is:
#11 – Jennifer Dunn
And this weeks BONUS prize is: 3- My Mind's Eye Six by Six 2 Paper Pads
(while supplies last)
And our random bonus winner is:
#9 – Linda Carson
You have one week to claim your prize.
Please email us at sentimentalsundaysblog@gmail.com to get details about your prize.
And here's our Top Three chosen by the DT members:
#5 – Anja

#12 – *Vicki*
#29 – Suzanne B
Please feel free to grab the blinkie on the sidebar (the code you need is below it) and display it proudly on your blogs! You earned it :)
Congratulations to all our winners!


Jennifer said...

Yeah! Thanks so much for choosing me for the Tiddly Inks certificate! Have a great day!

Anonymous said...

Yay!! Congrats Jennifer! :) Congrats to ALL winners, the cards are stunning here and I had so much fun with mine!! Thanks for choosing me friends!! HUGS

Rhonda Miller said...

Congrats everyone.

Anja said...

Congrats to the winners/other girls and thank you so much for the Top 3 pick.

Suzanne B aka brookfies said...

Hello...thrilled to be included in your top three! Congrats to the other ladies also! Suzanne B xx

Linda Carson said...

Beautiful artwork ladies! Congrats!

Unknown said...

These are so nice. beautiful designs. Can i print such designs for the Plastic cards? Thanks for sharing.

Anonymous said...

All cards are adorable but the one with pink shade and cute baby admires me a lot, do you have some designs related to plastic cards for sharing..